Stephen Pribula Archives - WPRB History
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Stephen Pribula

WPRB Births the Greatest Expletive of the 20th Century, by Stephen Pribula


You know how sometimes you doubt your own recollection, when something is just too good to be true? I have a memory like that of WPRB. About twenty-five odd years ago I witnessed one of the watershed events of this century in the studios in the basement of Holder Hall.  Your requests for historical material on the station has led me to reconsider that recollection. Only after careful reflection have I decided that it did indeed happen as I remember it and that I’m not just imagining things. I was, however, convinced when I realized that something in such utter bad taste could have only happened at WPRB. You see, I was present for the very first utterance of the greatest expletive of the twentieth century: “Fucking A.”  (more…)